
Thursday, April 21, 2005

Life's Little Nudges

May 2003

Uncertainty was something that I’ve never made peace with. And now all of a sudden, it seems like there is absolutely nothing that is a reality, every single thing is questionable and I am on the verge of losing myself in this vortex.
However, there are certain beliefs that keep my feet on the ground and that help me in every single thing I do in life and every single decision I make. I truly believe that every person is sent down here for a particular purpose. There are those who search for that purpose throughout their lives traveling from shore to shore, destination to destination, decision to decision trying to seek and attain truth, reason and meaning. And then there are those who know it in their hearts and know exactly how to achieve it and spend their entire lives fulfilling their purpose. Then there are those who are somewhere in between but not quite. They have an intellect and understanding of things and deeper issues of life, far from success and material goods, but understanding of people, relationships and issues far less tangible. But somehow they just don’t know hot to go about finding their purpose, and achieving it. Saying that all they need is faith and direction would not be true, yes they need that above all but they also need someone else, someone who can help them find and achieve their purpose and hold their hand on every failure, wipe their tears and pat their backs and congratulate them on their every success. Would that be a person? I don’t know. Maybe an entity, which, like their understanding, is far less tangible. Yes, indeed they need Faith the most.
So much needs to be shared and so much has to be penned down, maybe that is what my purpose is…maybe this is how I will find, achieve and succeed in fulfilling my purpose.

Something I try to remember and tell myself every time I get an opportunity… try and look for the greater, deeper meaning in things, in Gods signs to you and in life's little nudges and gestures to you.


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