
Friday, November 24, 2006

More or less a hundred or so posts later...I go through my dashboard and browse through some old ramblings. It suddenly dawns on me that I have been restricting much of my writing to certain limited aspects of my life. Admitted, there are some eulogies to Karachi, like "dual Karachi" and “Where cobwebs dwell” and some about Faiz, and Ghalib and songs and then some random uttering and mutterings thrown in now and then. But on the whole they remain constrained. I don’t “blog” much about other things, maybe because I blog mostly when I just need to make certain things “vocal”, and seem to loose the voice to verbalize them. I guess it is a realization…I got some awesome, and I do mean AWESOME comments all the way down there where the more diversified posts lie. Hence, Resolution # 3967 : Write more often, more diverse. (as soon as I get done with this book design project, which is also…ironically on Karachi. Much excitement! But buried under the pressure of workload and time constrains…hoping for a miracle, soon! =)


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