
Saturday, April 08, 2006

It’s strange how when we initially meet people, they remind us of certain other people in some ways, but by the time we really get to know them and form associations with them, the things about them that were similar to that of other people become so characteristically theirs that they can never be replaced by any other association.

So yesterday when Bhaiya kept mimicking the way I was talking (ya, he still does that! I have a feeling he’ll still be acting this juvenile even when I’m 50 and he’s 60 =), I told him if he wouldn’t stop I’d stop talking to him and he said “Seriously? Promise?! Thank you, God. Finally!” I gave him a “curl-up-and-die” somewhere look, but then I laughed like mad. My brother’s been doing that for years… strange how it reminds me of you now.
So characteristic of you.
Damn you =)


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