
Sunday, April 30, 2006

Complexly Misunderstood

Hurts like crazy when someone whom you thought knew you inside out is the one who misunderstands you.

And I finally thought no explanations were needed and nothing had to be clarified anymore, platonic vs. non-platonic particularly.

Because it was all supposed to be crystal-clear when it came to us.

Platonically complex relations don’t need another name or label.


The reality is Black&White.
The reality has been Black&White (so you say).

The perception of reality needs to segment itself from gray to Black&White.

…as life is getting messier,
room and surroundings are getting more organized, tidy and orderly.

How Typical.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Treading on Broken Glass

Hardly anything is black and white anymore. It all exists in a palette of splendid but extremely hazy grays.
You tell yourself about mistakes, about acting on sheer impulse, about it not being anything deeper than it was…a moment’s whim. Even if you try convincing yourself…u fabricate deceit in your head….but who are you lying to at the end of the day?? When you know it’s a lie, but there’s just too much confusion surrounding it all to be apparent as a certainty.

When I look at things from your point of view, I see them all crystal clear, but then I am the one viewing my side from your point of view. The second I come back to my own position I see a lot of haziness. I don’t deny it when you say I’m a coward….yes I am.

I’m scared of being refuted of my perception of reality, of decline and denial.

And a lot more.

…terrifying when you know you are treading on shards of very sharp broken glass, and you are able to recognize just about everything it is and will pose in your way and you still continue treading upon this path full of broken glass.

Monday, April 24, 2006

24th April 2006

There are times when a month ago can seem just like yesterday.

But it will fade...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

It’s strange how when we initially meet people, they remind us of certain other people in some ways, but by the time we really get to know them and form associations with them, the things about them that were similar to that of other people become so characteristically theirs that they can never be replaced by any other association.

So yesterday when Bhaiya kept mimicking the way I was talking (ya, he still does that! I have a feeling he’ll still be acting this juvenile even when I’m 50 and he’s 60 =), I told him if he wouldn’t stop I’d stop talking to him and he said “Seriously? Promise?! Thank you, God. Finally!” I gave him a “curl-up-and-die” somewhere look, but then I laughed like mad. My brother’s been doing that for years… strange how it reminds me of you now.
So characteristic of you.
Damn you =)

I hate twisted toothpaste tubes….Hate them.
I hate toothpaste stains and blobs on the sink…..Hate them!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

My Lonesome Blog

Its no fun blogging without recieving comments from regulars and not-so-regulars.
I miss the old blogspot...
stupid ban!
some fellow bloggers post on their websites that they can not comment on my blog...whereas they can on certain others...WHY??!!!
=~( sniff.
I miss the good old blogging days.

Spring Break 2006

The amount of work was insane, did not get much time to do all that I would have liked to during the much-desired break. It was nothing like last years amazing trip, it was nothing like the year before that, but it had its perks like time spent with cousins and friends I hardly get to see much anymore, bonding over breakfast, lunch and dinner. All in all it was simply just a week off with the same amount of work we usually have during school days, computer complications still made some of us go to school almost everyday…

However, I have a strong feeling I will never be able to forget Spring Break 2006.

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