Seaview followed by chai aur paratha…umm…dual Karachi ka mazaa!
Sunday morning sunshine has a very foreboding quality to it especially at an hour when one should be nestled snuggly between bed and blanket. I sit here displaced yet content after a one and a half hour photography session that started off at 6:30 am at the Karachi Sea View. They say if you truly want to experience the essence of a place, sit where there is culture, where you can hear the common man’s lingua and you will taste all that the place has to offer. So I like coming here every once in a while, a place not included among those that the social circles I belong to frequent often. A place that acts like a reality check for me when I get too caught up in the dynamics and glitz of the intimate and excluding circles I am part of in this currently not-so-westernized-neither-truly-ethnic-confused-state-of existence, in this metropolitan that is Karachi. I come here not to be among the “artsy fartsy” who are rumored to frequent places like such in order to prove a point to the individuals devoid of the higher understanding of artistic sensitivity. However, I don’t even agree o that notion, but that is a discussion for another time and place. I frequent it to actually observe life from a different view point for at least some moments of the day, to look at things as they exist outside my limiting circles, to fine tune into the diverse variety of all that this city has to offer.
One street across from my college, an unassuming sort of a place nestled between a well recognized food chain and several other roadside type restaurants is my favorite place for a relaxing cup of tea, a “dhaba” by the name of “Quetta Hotel”. A place where some of my classmates and I became regulars during play rehearsals in the month of Ramadan at iftaar. Coming back to where I started from, I sit here exhausted after a morning of clicking away in all sorts of odd and painful positions to get good shots, my stomach growls at having to go empty since last nights meal and working overtime. This place not just offers absolutely delicious food but engages each of the senses in such a manner that it becomes an experience for any keen observer. The smell of Karachi, intimately known and recognized by people living in the city for sometime surrounds you, a salt watery warm kind of welcoming fragrance, this morning mixed with the aroma of ‘daal’ frying in oil, parathas being made on a flat round metal pan blackened with years of usage, and in a silver pan the handle of which is plastic and wrapped around with a cloth in order to avoid burns, tea simmers, the aroma of which is a tell-tale of its sweet flavor. Usually Sunday mornings are relatively quieter than the weekdays and the only hustle bustle is that of shop vendors and workers at the dhaba. As I approach the dhaba, the young boy who works here brings out a chair from inside for me and keeps it at the only table placed outside. The only customers besides me are 3 men, who sit at tables inside the ‘restaurant’ alternating between watching television, reading the paper, and conversing. I sit with both legs folded on top of the plastic chair, for it is too early an hour for anyone to judge the impropriety of the position of this displaced young lady. My camera bag rests on the chipped, age worn table with metal legs and traces of a Formica top. All the cooking being done outside in the open air in front of me, temptingly indulges my sense of smell, and makes the growling of my stomach grow louder by the minute. The big-built, bearded, sweet faced man who is the owner of this joint, swivels the paratha that I asked for, with one finger on the black skillet, to make sure it browns evenly, emitting a ‘whoosh, sizzle’ sound every now and then.. While the cup of tea I patiently await for is being monitored by one of his helping hands, being poured from a metal cup consistently back into the pan its brewing in, guaranteeing as perfectly brewed a cup as possible.
As I get distracted by the men raising the metal shutters of the street shops my long awaited tea arrives in a small ceramic cup one corner of which is slightly chipped and the once off-white color now an almost dirty brown from the tea seeping into the crevices, the cream on it rising well above the rim. I take a whiff of it and the flavor promises of a delectably sweet treat. The owner himself then brings over the paratha in a white plastic plate, I thank him and receive a gracious smile in return. I break off a piece of the bread in front of me and dip it into the chai, an absolute treat! The perfect balance between crispy and soft layers that only an expert ‘paratha maker’ can achieve. I let the warmth of the cup seep into my hands and then slowly raise it to my lips to take a sip of the chai and savor the rich, thick, creamy, hot liquid on my tongue before gulping it down, enjoying every penny of the 8 rupees it is well-worth. Enjoying both to their absolute limit and having been refreshed by the entire experience I pay the man and gather my belongings, and head back towards the tiny circle of my life as I know it.
Gratefully satisfied by the frivolous engagement of each and every one of my senses and being pleased with the re-realization of the dualty that exists in Karachi, of the vast experiences one can be a part of here and for knowing it intimately enough to call my own.
One street across from my college, an unassuming sort of a place nestled between a well recognized food chain and several other roadside type restaurants is my favorite place for a relaxing cup of tea, a “dhaba” by the name of “Quetta Hotel”. A place where some of my classmates and I became regulars during play rehearsals in the month of Ramadan at iftaar. Coming back to where I started from, I sit here exhausted after a morning of clicking away in all sorts of odd and painful positions to get good shots, my stomach growls at having to go empty since last nights meal and working overtime. This place not just offers absolutely delicious food but engages each of the senses in such a manner that it becomes an experience for any keen observer. The smell of Karachi, intimately known and recognized by people living in the city for sometime surrounds you, a salt watery warm kind of welcoming fragrance, this morning mixed with the aroma of ‘daal’ frying in oil, parathas being made on a flat round metal pan blackened with years of usage, and in a silver pan the handle of which is plastic and wrapped around with a cloth in order to avoid burns, tea simmers, the aroma of which is a tell-tale of its sweet flavor. Usually Sunday mornings are relatively quieter than the weekdays and the only hustle bustle is that of shop vendors and workers at the dhaba. As I approach the dhaba, the young boy who works here brings out a chair from inside for me and keeps it at the only table placed outside. The only customers besides me are 3 men, who sit at tables inside the ‘restaurant’ alternating between watching television, reading the paper, and conversing. I sit with both legs folded on top of the plastic chair, for it is too early an hour for anyone to judge the impropriety of the position of this displaced young lady. My camera bag rests on the chipped, age worn table with metal legs and traces of a Formica top. All the cooking being done outside in the open air in front of me, temptingly indulges my sense of smell, and makes the growling of my stomach grow louder by the minute. The big-built, bearded, sweet faced man who is the owner of this joint, swivels the paratha that I asked for, with one finger on the black skillet, to make sure it browns evenly, emitting a ‘whoosh, sizzle’ sound every now and then.. While the cup of tea I patiently await for is being monitored by one of his helping hands, being poured from a metal cup consistently back into the pan its brewing in, guaranteeing as perfectly brewed a cup as possible.
As I get distracted by the men raising the metal shutters of the street shops my long awaited tea arrives in a small ceramic cup one corner of which is slightly chipped and the once off-white color now an almost dirty brown from the tea seeping into the crevices, the cream on it rising well above the rim. I take a whiff of it and the flavor promises of a delectably sweet treat. The owner himself then brings over the paratha in a white plastic plate, I thank him and receive a gracious smile in return. I break off a piece of the bread in front of me and dip it into the chai, an absolute treat! The perfect balance between crispy and soft layers that only an expert ‘paratha maker’ can achieve. I let the warmth of the cup seep into my hands and then slowly raise it to my lips to take a sip of the chai and savor the rich, thick, creamy, hot liquid on my tongue before gulping it down, enjoying every penny of the 8 rupees it is well-worth. Enjoying both to their absolute limit and having been refreshed by the entire experience I pay the man and gather my belongings, and head back towards the tiny circle of my life as I know it.
Gratefully satisfied by the frivolous engagement of each and every one of my senses and being pleased with the re-realization of the dualty that exists in Karachi, of the vast experiences one can be a part of here and for knowing it intimately enough to call my own.
karachi's a mad city. lived there for a short while, fell in love with it.
interesting blog - keep it up
Dirty Dan, at Sunday, May 29, 2005 12:20:00 AM
in response to your comment:
You have a way with words, even in the comments that you leave.
As for where to reply, it depends really as to what you are replying to.
Is its a post based response than i figure it should go with the post otherwise, if its a more direct response then it belongs on the concerned party's blog.
Hell i dunno yaar, what the freakin commenting ettiquettes are. Fact is i'll be checking up on your blog frequently, you write with such melancholy that i see some of myself reflected in your perspective. Can't get enough, so feel free to reply where ever you want. You will be responded to.
Btw: i don't like karachi. Child hood scars from when the venerable city was raped by terrorism. STill cna't really shurg off the goose bumps...
Phitaymaun, at Sunday, May 29, 2005 2:13:00 AM
Dan: I couldnt agree more, Karachi is a mad,mad city!! absolutely crazy. Thats whatmakes me love it so much. I have lived away from it for sometime during university years,and I terribly missed it throughout. Coming back feels like the city is welcoming you with a welcoming, warm embrace. It envelops u in the cozy warmth of its homely feel, atleast thats the way I see it. It breathes, it exists in me.
Thank you for the compliments you sprinkle,I have been told that i have a way with words, but honestly I dont think so at all, expecially now. Because how is it that when you use them to the best of your ability your are still not able to communicate your msg which may seem loud and clear to you, but just does not get across clear enough to the other person cocerned, and they tell you that you arent being clear. i seriously think i have no ability with words, it seems like wen they come out of my mouth or flow from my hand, they just transform into utter gibberish and stop making sense to the other person, to some people whom I wish they would make more sense than to everyone else. Damn,this is long enuf to be another post. I should stop now.
IN response to what you said about me writing with melancholy...hmmm, it's very surprising u seem to tap into that. People generally take me to be the most,hyperexcited, positive and optimistic, (to the exntent of being naive) the person who will make you look at the positive of a situation even when there isn't anything positive in it. I think all my negativity and melancholy etc comes out in my writing so it is channelised better.
BTW: I don't know if you have heard of or read Kartography by Kamila Shamsie, it is one of my fav books. When I read it I felt this woman knew me somehow and had written about the states taht exist within me and my relationship with this city. It was also reading it right after the summer i graduatedand returnedto Karachi, powered with a lot of the same feelings that teh author mentions, that we harbor upon returning after viewing it from such a distance.So yes i though i had that view, of admiring soething from a distance, but asI got back into the flow of the city, I realized no matter how ugly it became it is still my "OWN". the book talsk about selfishness and love, dual karachi, and us being products of such a city. This is definitelyworth another post, Im glad u gotme started! =) But if u get a chance pl read it. I can very much relate to Shamsie's style of not jsut writing, but putting her thoughts in the form of metaphors and analogies, much like i love to do the difference is, mine r useless, hers make more sense! =) I aspire to write like that someday.remember teh "storyteller" wala post....ya.
khair, good thing u got me started on,anotehr post on karachi coming up soon.
expressome, at Sunday, May 29, 2005 11:26:00 AM
Dan: I couldnt agree more, Karachi is a mad,mad city!! absolutely crazy. Thats whatmakes me love it so much. I have lived away from it for sometime during university years,and I terribly missed it throughout. Coming back feels like the city is welcoming you with a welcoming, warm embrace. It envelops u in the cozy warmth of its homely feel, atleast thats the way I see it. It breathes, it exists in me.
Thank you for the compliments you sprinkle,I have been told that i have a way with words, but honestly I dont think so at all, expecially now. Because how is it that when you use them to the best of your ability your are still not able to communicate your msg which may seem loud and clear to you, but just does not get across clear enough to the other person cocerned, and they tell you that you arent being clear. i seriously think i have no ability with words, it seems like wen they come out of my mouth or flow from my hand, they just transform into utter gibberish and stop making sense to the other person, to some people whom I wish they would make more sense than to everyone else. Damn,this is long enuf to be another post. I should stop now.
IN response to what you said about me writing with melancholy...hmmm, it's very surprising u seem to tap into that. People generally take me to be the mostostHour=1
Anonymous, at Sunday, May 29, 2005 11:32:00 AM
oh god, ill be typing forever to answer to this comment. And trust me there is a lot i wanna say, just think it will be a lot more convenient if we chat about it. Provided of course that you use msn or yahoo.
in any event i will get back to this at a more opportune time. Which prolly will be later tonight...
Phitaymaun, at Sunday, May 29, 2005 11:59:00 PM
i agree with beknighted (and yes I read all of the preceding posts) that you definately do have a way with words.
I most definately want to visit Karachi now, since there isn't a paratha/chai place open at this hour in Lahore.. :)
ps.Kartography is an excellent book..
Mars, at Monday, May 30, 2005 12:25:00 AM
Okay jee, so now that I can give you my undivided attention I shall attempt to respond to you in as much detail as your comment.
First off, the compliments; credit is given where credit is due. You don’t have to thank me, just graciously accept with a smile and a nod.
You do have a command over expression that is not only rare but also precious. The reason people don’t understand sometimes is simply because we tend to understand only as much as we want to. The rest gets lost in the static of our own myopia. Don’t let anyone ever dictate the clarity of your opinion by how much they are able to comprehend. If someone doesn’t understand you, its their loss, not yours. And I know, oh god how I know, how much it hurts when all you really want form someone is to be clearly understood but even that simple desire begins to become very close to the impossible. I realized that it’s not because I’m being unclear. Its simply because she has already made up her mind and no matter how much I try to defend my point of view, there is nothing that will change hers.
Unfortunately, the same has been true of me. And maybe it’s been true of you too. Its just the nature of the beast. That’s what humans do We are basically an unkind breed to the ones we are the closest to. It’s a man’s ego and a woman’s pride. Hell it’s a whole post unto itself.
Next comes the melancholy, brace yourself for some more compliments. I find your writing to be melancholy and sanguine. It’s the perfect mix of hope and reality. Of dispersed illusion and continued fantasy. Its basically a very honest portrayal of the human condition. I believe that when you are hyperactive/positive/optimistic you are all this for the benefit of the others around you. You search for the silver lining for them because seriously what else are your gonna do? If you preached hopelessness and pessimism you would make for very dreary company. Its this lesson that we learn without really every learning, that no one likes bitterness. People need to be told that everything will be okay even when there is no way of knowing that it will be. Or even when its obvious that it won’t. They need false hope, empty reassurance and we give it, because we care enough to make stuff up. You care enough to dig out the positives and blow them up to life size just to make them feel better. The thing I love most about blogging is the fact that everyone is honest here, you don’t hide your truth and I don’t hide mine and we do this without fear of being shunned or judged or disgraced because it doesn’t matter. We can bleed out our hearts and know that even if some one steps in the blood they will leave a foot print that we won’t recognize. Its painless and harmless and therefore extremely cathartic.
And finally, phew for you, Kamila… I have read kartography. It was very well written. She too has a way with words, and you are right on the money about her skill with analogies and symbolism. That was infact the best part about that book. Not by any means one of my favorites though, I’m more into classic literature, Hardy and Tolstoy etc, but yes definitely a book I would recommend without shame. Funny thing is that I read it on my way back to Lahore after a 6 year sabbatical. And although Lahore and khi are very different cities I couldn’t help but want to relate to some of the feelings she expressed. I didn’t though, I tend to be very detached to my emotional self at times and just landed here without as much as a sigh. But what you said about Karachi being ugly but still your own is exactly what I have come to realize about Lahore, there is an irrepressible feeling of belonging that I feel here that always left a gaping hole while I was away irrespective of how much I achieved. Btw and I know this is going to sound very over the board and all but in all honesty I do think you write better than shamsie. Its just that she can maintain her writing prowess over the length of a novel and you haven’t even tried that yet. But other than that you are definitely more engaging and more truthfully expressive than I found her to be.
Okay I’m done, think I covered all the bases. I’m truly sorry for how long this has been. You may not even read the whole comment, but I just felt that I needed to address you as I deem fit. Can’t wait to read the new post… and incidentally I just rediscovered nayara noor singing faiz today too cool huh?
Phitaymaun, at Monday, May 30, 2005 2:25:00 AM
wow there is some serious commenting going on here .... thought id add my 2 bits to say i missssssssss khiiiii i missssssss the beachhhhhhh and i misssssss paniii purriiiiiiiiii :(
great blog :)
just muttering, at Monday, May 30, 2005 11:23:00 PM
all righty!!! Bring on the new posts lady.
Phitaymaun, at Thursday, June 02, 2005 8:10:00 PM
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