
Friday, June 03, 2005

Memories will last...

I seriously NEED to STOP writing crappy poetry, that I dont know why I am writing but still continue to do so without it being of any relevance to my life at the point I am writing it. It is seriously hazardous! Because sooner or later it all comes true.

I don't know why I wrote it when it had absolutely no significance in the first place. I wrote this in 2003, and suddenly it is wholly apt.

I'm often appaled at your ability to say profoundly deep things,
without even a hint of genuineness in your actions.

I wish one day I'll know what went wrong,
the days I've waited have been endlessly long.

We've each had our share of unjustifiable pain,
I tried to convince myself otherwise but things may never be the same.

I hope I have never been the one who broke your heart,
Never wronged you in any way whether we were close or apart.

So many smiles, countless tears too,
times spent together and far apart from you.

I know you had an exclusive place in my heart,
I mean it to this day, but just don't know where to start.

Soon it will be time to say 'goodbye'
unexplainable memories still make me sigh

We share a history, a heartwarming past.
Our reltionship may never, but these memories will last.

May 2003.


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