Posters and Taglines...
Functioning on 3 hrs of sleep once again now that school's reopened...can hardly muster up the himmat to write....sentences keep floating in my head all day, and yet I can't gather up the patience, the effort, to make it a cohesive whole.
Thinking, thinking, thinking...once again.
too much to say, will write soon...very soon hopefully (or this kichri in my head will continue to come out in the form of crazy, exposed taglines such as "My Soul Lies Bared for You... Embrace it." heheheheh.)
Soon, then.
P.S: btw, incase you are wondering...tagline was for a promotional poster for karachi ;)
Thinking, thinking, thinking...once again.
too much to say, will write soon...very soon hopefully (or this kichri in my head will continue to come out in the form of crazy, exposed taglines such as "My Soul Lies Bared for You... Embrace it." heheheheh.)
Soon, then.
P.S: btw, incase you are wondering...tagline was for a promotional poster for karachi ;)
*trying to understand what she was trying to post*
*waits for the post she promised in future*
JonyBr, at Wednesday, August 17, 2005 2:48:00 PM
Jony: hehehehahhaha Soon...very soon.
expressome, at Wednesday, August 17, 2005 7:34:00 PM
I am glad someone enjoyed my blog. Thank u.
JonyBr, at Friday, August 19, 2005 2:23:00 AM
Thts quite a lame tagline unless its for underwear :P I know what you mean about 3 hr sleep days... glad i dun have to suffer em nemore, i get my 8 hrs every night, wudn't have it any other way. STill hoping you can find the time to steal our breaths soon.
Good luck.
Phitaymaun, at Saturday, August 20, 2005 2:55:00 PM
oooh, tagline for karachi? that's interesting.. looking forward to another post from you..
Mars, at Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:01:00 PM
ok Beknighted since u sooooooo Love my tagline...I shall ELABORATE more. Basically it was for a promotional Poster for Mohatta Palace and the exhibition taking place there, which is called "jewel in the Crown, Karachi Under The Raj" and so my concept revolved around discovering and rediscovering the actual soul of the city (particularly for Karachities who live in the city but are not aware of its history and such). Therefore, it said;
"My soul Lies Bared for you...
Embrace it."
Ya i know....could've done better, mind wasnt in it and neither wasmy own "SOUL" in it....had WAAAy tooo mcuh to worry about....u read the previous posts...u would know.
Will definitetly post something sooon Inshallah. I NEED TO WRITE.
expressome, at Saturday, August 20, 2005 6:52:00 PM
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